Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Project Manager Essay

I do firmly believe that the presentation of Terry was very inappropriate for that matter. Based on the given scenario, it clearly states there that the audience of Terry is an engineering group and not just any other individuals which are more concern on the technical aspect of the project that she was presenting in front of the latter. She keeps on discussing things that do not fall under the role of the engineers on the said project or on the things that concerns the engineering group. Why discuss the importance of the project to the engineering group if they care less on that matter since these group works based on the procedures on how a new product is to be produced and they do not give even a single care or responsibility on the importance of that certain product to the company. In other words, Terry dwell much on the â€Å"external qualities† of the product and not on the â€Å"internal qualities† of the project which was needed by the engineering group; like the specifics of the product and the procedures that they would have to conduct in order to produce the said product line effectively and efficiently. Moreover, she discussed dates and milestones of the products which are not very important of the part of the engineering group. The said presentation only becomes appropriate if Terry is presenting the product to the board of directors of the company as a project proposal for a new product since the presentation give more emphasis on the benefits and significance of the product to the company and not on the technical aspects of the products as what is being needed by the engineering group. It seems that Terry did not take into consideration the kind or type of audience or listeners when she was preparing for the said presentation with the engineering group. Answer #2 One possible way through which Terry could improve her presentation is to concentrate more on discussing the specifics of the product like giving the engineering team first of the bird’s eye view of the production flow of the product to be produced and then after which a detail explanation of every part of the production flow to guide the engineers what to do when they set their foot on the production line. Moreover, this would give the engineering group skills and information on how to deal with certain problems that might arise during the production process of the product since they already know how every aspect of the production works for the entire system. Furthermore, it is best for Terry to familiarize her self with engineering terms and â€Å"languages†, basic term would do, so as to make the transfer of information from her side going to the engineering group easier and faster (Busse & Zettelmeyer, 2007). It is just like knowing what are the effective way of communicating with other people is, you choose the language or the wordings of the individual/group of people to make the conversation more effective and easier (Foulger, 2004). Moreover, Terry should also familiarize her self with the possible problems or issues that might come out along with the commencement of the production of the said new product. This was one of the major problems that she encountered when the members of the engineering group started to ask question regarding the possible issues that might arise during the conduct of the production of the said new product. By familiarizing the possible problems of producing the new product line of the company, it only tells us that she is prepared in presenting the new product to the engineering group and she knows every single aspect of the production processes of producing that certain new product. Answer #3 As for the action of Terry, I would be best if she heard first the questions of the engineering group before acting unprofessionally. She may not know the answer to the questions being raised by the engineering team but it would be a good source of pointers on how to make a better presentation the next time she would be asked to do the same task again. Moreover, she could have just admit that she lack preparation and very willing to entertain questions regarding the project just in case she might encounter questions that she can answer. As for those questions that she could really no longer answer, Terry could list them down and make a research for those questions and set a new date another presentation of the new product. Walking out in the middle of the presentation is very unethical in the world of corporate profession. On every things that one person is about to do, he/she must handle it gracefully or in other words everyone in the corporate world must possess the value of â€Å"grace under pressure† so as to establish rapport with other people on his/her immediate environment. Terry did not have the guts to admit in front of the engineering group that she missed the details of the questions that the former are raising. Admitting that she was not prepared is better-off than just walking out of the room without even finishing the presentation in front of the important personalities for the success of the new product of the company (DeCenzo, Robbins, Stewart & Stuart-Kotze, 2005). Answer #4 As for the project manager, it is his responsibility to shoulder the mess that Terry had left on the presentation room. Saying sorry to the engineering group must be the first thing that he should do regarding the unprofessional act of Terry. After this, since the project manager has the full knowledge over the project, it would be best of the part of the marketing department if he would be the one to continue the presentation and entertain the questions of the members of the engineering group. I think it is also the responsibility of the project manager to justify the action of Terry and inform them that she was just new to the department and ask for the sympathy of the member of the engineering group and hoped that it would not affect the decision of the latter to buy-in the said project. With this way, there is a possibility that the member of the engineering group might understand the situation of Terry and give the project manager another chance of setting one more meeting for the said project. Furthermore, after the meeting, it is also the responsibility of the project manager to have a talk with Terry and find out what happened on the presentation. After which, the project manager must give Terry with some pointers on how to handle such kind of situation and not to go along with her emotions (Bolpatra. gov, 2007). I think on this part the project manager committed a mistake as far as his responsibility to his subordinates is concerned. He should be the first one to check if his subordinates are ready enough for such kind of presentation by checking the slides of the presentation of Terry or conduct a dry-run of the presentation of Terry so as to check if her slides are appropriate for the said meeting considering that Terry was just new to the marketing department. Answer #5 One of the best ways to get the engineering group to go with the â€Å"buy-in† is to offer them with great incentives and privileges if the latter would accept the said project. High salary and additional benefits, say health benefits, are really hard to resist and this might be a good tactic to get the nod of the engineering group. Another way to get the engineering’s group buy-in would be; I would be the one to present the project after the engineering team gave us another chance to present the project and giving them the assurance that by then all of their questions will be answered clearly and smoothly since as the project manager I have all the information and knowledge needed to answer their questions and any queries regarding the specifications of the new product of the company. I think, after having the said two strategies to get the engineering group’s buy-in, there is a big possibility that we have the nod of the engineering group for the said project. References Bolpatra. gov. (2007). Roles and Responsibilities of the Project Manager and Key Staff. Retrieved December 9, 2007, from http://www. bolpatra. gov. np/admin/information_upl/1089883861YV. pdf Busse, M. & Zettelmeyer, F. (2007). Some Pointers For Preparing Presentations. Retrieved December 9, 2007, from http://faculty. haas. berkeley. edu/meghan/300/On_presentations. pdf DeCenzo, Robbins, Stewart & Stuart-Kotze. (2005). Managerial Ethics. Retrieved December 9, 2007, from foba. lakeheadu. ca/mirabelli/1511/ch02. ppt Foulger, D. (2004). Models of the Communication Process. Retrieved December 9, 2007, from http://foulger. info/davis/research/unifiedModelOfCommunication. htm

Management Institute Essay

In consulting Linton, there are two main components that would have to be closely analyzed: Deborah Linton’s leadership style and Lisa Benton’s ability to positively impact her new business environment. Lisa Benton is well educated and experienced in her field; yet, she allows dysfunction to distract her of her ability to contribute. Benton surrendered the power of her voice because she humbled to the intimidation perceived from her supervisor, coercive teammate, and questionable environment. LINTON MANAGEMENT PROFILE Deborah Linton is the average person in a leadership role who does not know the difference between management and leadership. Because she does not know the difference, her approach towards Lisa Benton is all wrong for the right reasons. Her initial address to Benton was out of fear versus confidence in her ability to manage a Harvard graduate. Linton’s fear warrants a close investigation of her management style, her conflict resolution, and her measurements of being a leader. Deborah Linton’s management profile has to be priority in order to accurately identify and effectively address in order to improve her effectiveness. If we were to complete a DiSC Assessment of Linton’s management style, Linton would most likely be a D (Dominance) style manager. Linton had a â€Å"sophisticated appearance and confident manner† by which she carried herself in the office. Upon meeting with Lisa Benton for the first time, Linton expresses her discontent with â€Å"MBAs [who] act like they know a lot more than they do† (Weber, 1994). This is reflective of the D style motivation of power and authority. And how blatantly noticeable Linton is  forceful and direct when addressing Benton. Immediately, she sets the tone of her position and authority by challenging Benton’s academic success with great insensitivity. Linton’s dominant management style is consistent throughout the article when she addresses Benton on a couple occasions or even her counterpart, Jack Vernon. The approach with Lisa Benton was misguided from the start which prompts the question, â€Å"Who would want to be led by [Linton]?† This question is significant because Goffee and Jones emphasize the importance of followers to leaders. They state that leaders â€Å"better know what it takes to lead effectively — they must find ways to engage people and rouse their commitment to company goals† (Jones, 2000). Linton does not give Benton any idea of the current state of the company or how she would like for her department to impact the company’s success. She did not share her vision for her department and what she expected to produce in a particular time frame. Benton had no clue as to how her role was to impact the Although Linton greeted Benton pleasantly, she negated the meeting by complaining her arrival was a week too early. Benton’s eagerness to contribute to the company’s success was not celebrated or welcomed. This attitude was perpetuated once Linton pushed-off Benton to another product manager, Ron Scoville. Linton has proven herself to be more of a manager versus a leader. Although Benton was new to the team, Linton places more importance on product management. Priority should have been placed on making sure Benton was properly trained. Linton focused her efforts on â€Å"the detailed steps that are necessary to get results† (Lecture, Wk 2). Benton felt like an intruder whenever she stepped to Linton’s office because she was refused regularly. Linton’s lack of concern towards Benton’s development further demonstrates her dominant management style. Linton not only managed with dominance, but also dealt poorly with resolving conflicts. Thomas and Kilmann would assess that Linton is unassertive and uncooperative when resolving conflict amongst subordinates. Evidenced when Linton resolved conflict between Benton and Scoville by adopting Scoville’s  perspective. She addresses Benton by stating â€Å"I understand you’re too good for copying† implying that Scoville’s assessment was accurate. According to Thomas-Kilmann, Linton sidesteps the issue and postpones dealing with the conflict. Linton expresses her knowledge of Scoville not being liked in the office despite her personal feelings towards him being â€Å"misunderstood† and â€Å"having a heart of gold.† In both instances, Linton never truly addressed or resolved the issues. She avoided the issues and encouraged Benton to do the same in the interest of results. Linton is weak in the area of emotional intelligence. She struggles in the key areas regarding emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. Linton is not aware of her own emotional impact on her employees or their emotional challenges. Scoville definitely has emotional challenges made evident through his emotional outbursts with Benton. Benton herself dealt with a great deal of emotional challenges. Linton failed to recognize the emotional challenges and utilizing them to build up her team. Additionally, Linton did not motivate her team members to cooperate or collaborate. She is not able to motivate because she does not empathize with Benton. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LINTON Using Jack Welch Winning as a mirror to Linton, there are some basic principles that must be established and practiced. First of all, Linton needs to learn her new team. She has a close relationship with Scoville; yet, she needs to consider the chemistry of the team now that Benton is on board. Instead of demeaning Benton and her education, she should set the standard for her performance by giving her a vision, a goal. Linton does not†define where she wants her team to go† (Lecture, Wk 1). Benton never received her objectives or given a set of expectations from which her performance would be measured. Linton does not know what it takes to be a leader. As mentioned previously, Linton is a manager who believes her position qualifies her as a leader. My first recommendation is for Linton to understand the difference between a manager and a leader. Kotter makes an interesting distinction between  management and leadership as being forms of coping. Kotter states that â€Å"management is about coping with complexity. Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change† (Kotter, 2001). Linton does not cope well with the change of Benton, an MBA graduate of Harvard, joining the team. Linton needs to better understand what is characteristic of a leader. Jack Welch specifically details what leaders do. I would encourage Linton to adopt and immediately apply these rules. Of the eight rules that Welch identifies, several rules need to take precedence. â€Å"Leaders relentlessly upgrade their team.† Linton spent time pushing Benton away versus taking advantage of the time to coach her. Rule #2 states that â€Å"leaders make sure people not only see the vision, they live and breathe it.† Benton did not receive her objectives let alone understand where Linton wanted to take the company. â€Å"Leaders establish trust with candor, transparency, and credit,† as stated in Rule #4. Candor will be addressed later; yet, transparency and credit seemed none existent. Linton rarely met with Benton, let alone, allow herself to become open and transparent. In fact, Benton often felt like she was intruding. Lastly, Linton needs to apply the last couple rules of â€Å"inspiring risk taking† and â€Å"celebrating† her team members. Linton has to celebrate her team members for their contributions and skills they bring. BENTON LACK OF LEADERSHIP Lisa Benton is an experienced and educated potential leader who over-analyzes her own situation. Not that she was not qualified for the position, but the she allowed the circumstances to have a â€Å"muzzling voice† effect over her. Her prowess and proven success were immediately diminished from her first day on the job. Benton was excited about the opportunity resulting from her interview meetings with energetic employees of Houseworld. If she was to take the DiSC Assessment, Benton would definitely fall in the C (Conscientious) management style. Before even accepting the position at Houseworld, Benton based her decision not on her ability, but on which company would provide the training she felt was necessary. Benton did not have a vision to buy into or objectives to guide her efforts. Benton falls prey to her limitations of her management style by â€Å"overanalyzing† her professional situation and isolating herself with  respect to her department. Despite her professional and academic achievements, Benton went from success to failure in accepting the position at Houseworld. Benton aborted her leadership potential by committing a significant sin of leadership. She did not â€Å"give her self-confidence its due.† Jack Welch says that â€Å"self-confidence is the lifeblood of success† (Lecture, Wk 8). Benton also made the mistake of listening to rumors about Linton and Scoville having a personal relationship. This dictated her interaction with them and took away her lateral persuasion. Benton was not able to â€Å"commit to the success† of Linton. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BENTON To sum up in one word a recommendation for Lisa Benton, believe. Benton needs to go back to believing in her own mastered knowledge and proven skills to succeed. Benton needs to identify a focus for her efforts. She attempts to invent work for herself absent of Linton’s objectives; yet, becomes extremely frustrated. Her frustration resides in Scoville’s condescending demands and Linton’s nonexistent leadership. Benton needs to follow the â€Å"10 Keys Transition Challenges.† She needs to â€Å"promote herself† to the ideal and expectations she had of herself coming into this position. Benton successfully â€Å"accelerated her learning, built alliances, and built her network† amongst colleagues outside of her department. Yet, Benton needs to step back and diagnose the situation at Houseworld so she can effectively apply her skills. Additionally, she needs to â€Å"build a good relationship with her boss, focus on strategic alignment, build her team, and secure early wins† for herself. Benton had already built the foundation of lateral leadership which she needed to trust more than fear. Because she feared it she was not able to have the influence with Linton and Scoville that was rightfully due. As suggested in the Art of Persuasion, Benton has to build â€Å"credibility† for herself by confidently performing for the reason she was hired. Then she needs to establish â€Å"shared benefits† and â€Å"memorable evidence† within her department. She has to â€Å"vividly describe a comparable situation† from her  prior professional successes. Lastly, Benton has to â€Å"show emotion† in a more passionate manner towards results and not the explosive fits of frustration. CONCLUSION Although it was not properly implemented, Benton’s performance evaluation was accurate. Linton identified that Benton possessed strengths that she refrained from using. Benton felt this was unjust because she was never really given true direction. Ultimately, Benton is well capable of performing the duties of the position she filled. Benton needed to rise to the occasion, utilize lateral authority and influence, and emphatically believe in herself despite the unfavorable environment. REFERENCES Welch, Jack,Welch, Suzy. (2005) Winning /New York : HarperBusiness Publishers Hill, Linda A. Lisa Benton (A). Harvard Business School Case 494-114, March 1994. (Revised May 1994.) Kotter, J. P. What Leaders Really Do. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999. Thomas, K. W., & Kilmann, R. H. Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. Mountain View, CA: Xicom, a subsidiary of CPP, Inc. 1974. DiSC Management. Profile Summary Goffee, R., Jones, G. Why should anyone be led by you? Harvard business review, Vol. 78, No. 5. (Sep 2000)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fast Food in the Philippines Essay

Food is one of the basic necessities of man in order to stay alive. Whether he likes it or not, man needs sufficient amount of food to sustain his being. This need to meet the food intake parallel with the essential meals per day results to the materialization of the food service industry which deals with preparation and sale of food items or products. Therefore, the food service industry will always remain in high demand because of its category. This industry embraces but is not limited to businesses such as fast food restaurants, school and hospital cafeterias, catering operations, food carts, and bakeshops. The term â€Å"Fast food† is commonly attributed to restaurantssometimes known as a quick service restaurants or QSRs. It is a specific type of restaurant characterized both by its fast food cuisine and by minimal table service. The growing popularity of this type of restaurant resulted to changes in the world society. The fast food industry brought shifts to the consumers’ diet, economy, workforce and popular culture. Restaurants and fast foods are meant for same services except that restaurants offer a large menu including a variety of cuisines as compared to fast foods, which usually offers a small menu with quick service. Another difference between a restaurant and fast food is, restaurants offer meals that are cooked and prepared and is eaten at the premises while fast food usually is pre-cooked meals or serves meals that are cooked easily. Diners may eat it inside the store or they can order their food â€Å"to-go†. In fast foods you usually pay before eating unlike full service restaurants. ( Like every other country, the food industry has flourished very well in Philippines. Filipinos love to eat and that’s the reason why you will see a lot of restaurants and fast foods restaurants scattered in the cities. These restaurants and fast foods can be local or international food chains. Filipino food and chefs are considered one of the best in the world. Some of the popular fast food chains of Philippines are Jollibee, McDonald, KFC,  Chowking, etc. and popular restaurants being Abe, Chelsea, Friday’s, Chili’s and a lot more. More and more studies prove the extraordinary growth of the Fast food service industry in the country. In a recent study, fast food retains its position as the largest and the fastest-growing category in the Philippine consumer food service industry. During 2012, this category reported total foodservice revenue of Php 121.9 billion taking 30% of total value sales in consumer food service. Growth in terms of outlets, transactions and value sales remains vibrant brought by the support of increasing number of shopping centers and small community supermarkets in Metro Manila and key cities nationwide. ( v746/Fast-Food-Philippines-7890756/) Food served in fast food restaurants typically caters to a â€Å"meat-sweet diet† and is offered from a limited menu; is cooked in bulk in advance and kept hot; is finished and packaged to order; and is usually available ready to take away, though seating may be provided. Fast food restaurants are usually part of a restaurant chain or franchise operation, which provisions standardized ingredients and/or partially prepared foods and supplies to each restaurant through controlled supply channels.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discovery Strategies for Self-expression and Persuasion Personal Statement

Discovery Strategies for Self-expression and Persuasion - Personal Statement Example Outline preparation often requires consideration of a variety of topics before sorting them out to select the very basic to the subject matter in question. Valerie also likes using regular outlines due to their structural nature. I agree with Valerie because an essay can lose focus if the writer does not adhere to a specific structure. A regular outline implies that there a definite structure consisting of the introduction, body, and conclusion (Kapai 31). I also conquer with Valerie concerning the differences between process and persuasive essays; in process essays, the write-only outlines the main facts, but persuasive essays require consideration of both sides before taking a stand. According to Kapai, giving due consideration to both sides of the argument portrays respect to other people’s views and limits fallacious conclusions during discussions (11).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Memorandum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Memorandum - Essay Example Edison right of way separates the two parcels. The city of Joy prohibits development as part of it is  along g a sloppy area. Parcel one has one steep slope of an approximate ratio 3 to 1. Parcel 2 has aslope of an approximate ratio greater than 2 to1. These areas are untouched because of the municipal codes as they regulate development in such an area. Settlements have  been localized along the new street  as a result of these clause. This shows that the city cannot accommodate a growing population if the municipal codes are to be followed to the latter. ABC development plan proposes for parcel 1 to be divided single family lots. The stuff reviews this plan as a risky situation that will first require an environmental impact review. This is because the process involves offloading dirt using a truck that will pass through 130 homesteads. The process  will  take five month.  The  staff review  stipulates  to be  a long time, and as a result it will have unmitigated impacts to the environment. ABC development c laims that an environmental impact review is not necessary. It continues to pose the complain on the basis that the stuff has not articulated the exact effects that require mitigation and states that parcel 1 subdivision is a simple 18 lot subdivision. According to ABC development project designers, it is a speculation that the project should be exempted from CEQA. The Oak trees occupy a lot of space in the city. The municipal code that states they are not to be cut down unless a permit is granted is a factor that may hinder development. The permit has also been given specific rule that make it hard for the trees to be cut down and paves way for development. The code farther states that, permission for cutting down an Oak tree will only be granted if the tree is in imminent danger of falling. Oak trees have a long life span and are also a strong species. The chances of them creating space for development are extremely minimal. The municipal codes should be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Globalisation - Essay Example The reason for this is based on the tremendous amount of positives that come hand in hand with the facets of globalization. Hence in order to fully understand the intricate details related with globalization, one must base a sound belief on the strengths related with production and marketing. Once again, it is important to touch upon the exact definition of globalization before moving ahead any further (Hersh 2000). I define globalization as â€Å"the cumulative basis of strengths, transferred from one world region to another, in a capacity that derives opportunities for all the major and minor stakeholders, time and time again.† When one tries to establish the exact basis of production and marketing globalization, the four significant drivers need to be understood in a proper fashion, as these form the core essence of globalization in the first place. These four drivers are the use of Information Technology, the Just in Time and Total Quality Management business processes to speed up work activities, the Sales Force Automation quarters, and lastly the Outsourcing mechanisms which have had a huge say in building growth and development within the globalization auspices on a proactively consistent basis. The four drivers have played their essential roles within the acceleration processes of globalization in the last decade or so. This has happened with the influx of resources and budget more importantly. This has also happened because the top management domains within the organizations that have chosen globalization for their own selves, have understood that globalization indeed is a force to reckon with (Tayl or 2002). They have accepted the challenges thrown their way and have clearly realized the potential of globalization within the broader contexts. These four drivers are essentially the instigating mechanisms of change within the modern day organizations. Their roles have had a huge say in outlining the proper structure of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Explain what is meant by orientalism. Discuss how this has influenced Essay

Explain what is meant by orientalism. Discuss how this has influenced Western interpretation of cultures past or present - Essay Example Orientalism could also be used to mean a manner of seeing, which distorts and emphasizes differences in cultures between the Arabic people and people, from Europe and the U.S. It entails viewing the Arab culture as uncivilized, exotic, dangerous, and backward (Said 1978, p. 2). Said defined orientalism as â€Å"the west acceptance of the differences between West and East.† He purported that this acceptance serves as the starting point for detailed social descriptions, epics, theories, and political accounts about the Orient, mind, its people, and customs. In a nutshell, orientalism can be described as the image of the ‘Orient’ portrayed as a thought system. As a scholarly discipline, orientalism began in the eighteenth century following the European colonial conquest of countries in the Middle East. Academic disciplines that addressed the orient flourished; this led to the adoption of orientalism in France, England, and other European nations. Orientalism became t he basis of the western exertion of power over the Orient (Near East Cultures). The west viewed the Middle East as an exhausted, stagnant, and defective region, which needed the involvement of Europeans to enhance civilization. This justification happened with an aim to keeping the dreams and ambitions of the western powers alive. Therefore, Oreintalism can be regarded to have originated from the west’s desire to conquer the Near East and exert significant influence (MacKenzie1995, p. 24). Influence of Orientalism on Western Interpretation of Cultures in the Near East Orientalism has had a profound influence on the way Western cultures depict aspects of the cultures from the East. Western writers and designers have always portrayed the East negatively. Further, artists from the west represent the cultures of the East as backward. For example, French artists in the 19th century used orientalism in their description of Eastern cultures (Kennedy 2000, p. 351). These Orientalists used colors, styles, and elements that portrayed Mediterranean countries of the Near East. Westerners have come to adopt eastern styles, motifs, and subject matter in design, architecture, and art. For example, Turquerie as a fashion dominated the western art work from 15th century to 18th century. Therefore, the west has used fashion, and other artistic styles to portray the Near East negatively (Tausch 2006, p. 83). Further, the West depictions of Islamic Moors, especially the Muslim groups of West Asia and North Africa, portray orientalism. For example, in early biblical scenes, Jewish and Roman characters were displayed with exotic costumes. This reflected the culture of clothing such as wearing of turbans in the near East. In addition, the portrayal of oriental carpets in paintings of renaissance depicts the cultures of the Far East (MacKenzie1995, p. 27). As more Western artists travelled to the Middle East, they represented numerous scenes, which entailed aspects of the Orie ntal culture. They depicted the cultures as exotic owing to its differences. The artists had a keen interest on the Islamic cultures of the Near East. For example, French artists Eugene Delacroix and Jean Leon painted pictures, which depicted Islamic culture. These pictures had an impact on western interpretation of the Western Cultures (Tausch 2006, p. 84). In the West, the use of the orient has continued in the Movies, as westerners use

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The standard constitution in international law Research Proposal

The standard constitution in international law - Research Proposal Example (thesis). Generally, every nation has constitutional law which can be of primary and secondary nature. As per HG ( 2014) â€Å"Constitutional law deals with the fundamental principles by which the government exercises its authority†. The primary law need to apply to all of the country’s constitution whereas the secondary constitutional law may or may not be applied by a nation. The constitutional law has an aim of improving the life’s of its citizen by promoting freedom and equality. The allocation o f power and individual rights for the betterment of a nation is the purpose of constitutional law. This would allow the country to be more economic and trade friendly, fair and justifiable. According to Balkin (1998) â€Å"Alternatively, the history of constitutional law is taught as the history of great jurists who show the rest of us the way through their wisdom or their folly†. A correct constitutional theory can get the best out of the constitutional law which gives more outcomes and reflect an ideal national value. The theory of constitutional law has a goal of satisfy the requirement of law, preserving fairness and democracy and promote justice. One of the theory of constitution law is originals where original understanding in regard to the language used in the formulation of constitutional law. As per Fish (2008) â€Å"Seeking the best interpretation of the Constitution, on the other hand, is seeking the interpretation that satisfies some extra-authorial standard which are morally and philosophically best†. Positivism is a theory that means that the constitutional law of a country need to look at the values and rights it promotes. The prosperity and integrity of the public needs to be considered at large when it comes to the constitution of international law. As per (Hart) â€Å"One of these thinkers, Gustav Rad- bruch, had himself shared the

Points To Consider Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Points To Consider - Article Example 3. Achilles and Agamemnon only fell into conflict with each other after the war had already been going ten years. Their disagreements did not totally prevent the Greeks from achieving their ultimate goals, but it did hinder them somewhat. The conflict could not have really been avoided because they were two characters typical of Greek culture at that time: strong-willed alpha males who wanted personal glory for themselves more so than the aims of their nation. 1. The reason why Chimate Chumbolo tried to persuade the Dita people to use their own customs first is due to the fact that the culture was one based on mutual understanding where people were given the authority to solve their own differences. Also, it cost a lot to take disputes to Ethiopian courts, so convenience did play a large part in the decision. 2. It was important for Chimate Chumbolo to educate her people through a mediatory role because she understood Ethiopian law as well as Dita customs. She acted like a go-between for the Dita people and the Ethiopian government. 3. If a mediation meeting goes badly, Chimate Chumbolo first threatens each party by quoting a fake Ethiopian law that would punish each party severely, thus giving them incentive to work out their dispute by themselves. 1. Madison says that a democracy is where a government is made up of only a small amount of people, even though it is elected by a majority. A republic is where the government must answer to a greater number of citizens and thus has more power over them. 2. Madison saw a danger in allowing a majority faction to run a political structure that would divide the country. If one group had complete control of the government, it would be free to impose any laws it liked on the people. 3. Madison concedes that factions are a necessary evil in a political system, but he says that we must limit the damage they can have on society. Factions can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Operations Management - Essay Example Even Government depÐ °rtments cÐ °n drÐ °w heÐ °vily upon operÐ °tionÐ °l initiÐ °tives Ð °nd strÐ °tegies when they tÐ °lk Ð °bout supply chÐ °in mÐ °nÐ °gement, leÐ °n supply, just in time Ð °nd totÐ °l quÐ °lity mÐ °nÐ °gement. This pÐ °per Ð °ims to offer the reÐ °der Ð °n insight into the importÐ °nce of operÐ °tions mÐ °nÐ °gement Ð °nd gives Ð ° firm plÐ °tform for the study of operÐ °tions strÐ °tegy. The contribution of Ð °n operÐ °tions strÐ °tegy is Ð °lso outlined Ð °s pÐ °rt of Ð ° hierÐ °rchy of strÐ °tegies thÐ °t we might find in eÐ °ch firm. It gives Ð °n insight into whÐ °t is exÐ °ctly Ð °n operÐ °tions strÐ °tegy Ð °nd whÐ °t Ð °re its components, how eÐ °sy is it to implement such Ð ° strÐ °tegy Ð °nd whÐ °t cÐ °n Ð °n orgÐ °nisÐ °tion expect from it. BÐ °sicÐ °lly, the pÐ °per discusses the question of diversity of tÐ °sks thÐ °t operÐ °tions mÐ °nÐ °gement incorporÐ °tes Ð °nd thÐ °t these tÐ °sks should be combined to reÐ °ch the potentiÐ °l of operÐ °tions executed. OperÐ °tions mÐ °nÐ °gement hÐ °s its origins in the study of ‘production’ or ‘mÐ °nufÐ °cturing mÐ °nÐ °gement’. (Pine, Boynton, 2003) These terms still very much Ð °pply to mÐ °nufÐ °cturing orgÐ °nisÐ °tions thÐ °t will hÐ °ve distinct operÐ °tionÐ °l Ð °ctivities thÐ °t convert sÐ °y, beÐ °ns Ð °nd rich tomÐ °to sÐ °uce into cÐ °ns of bÐ °ked beÐ °ns to be sold by Ð ° retÐ °iler. Thus, we cÐ °n initiÐ °lly think of operÐ °tions mÐ °nÐ °gement Ð °s being pÐ °rt of Ð ° distinct function producing Ð ° product Ð °nd service combinÐ °tion, just Ð °s we hÐ °ve mÐ °rketing Ð °nd Ð °ccounting functions in mÐ °ny orgÐ °nisÐ °tions. The first definition of operÐ °tions mÐ °nÐ °gement is therefore: Every orgÐ °nisÐ °tion thÐ °t offers goods or services hÐ °s Ð °n operÐ °tions Ð °ctivity. Ð s fÐ °r Ð °s the orgÐ °nisÐ °tion structure is concerned, some firms will hÐ °ve Ð ° discrete operÐ °tions function. This might be cÐ °lled Ð ° mÐ °nufÐ °cturing depÐ °rtment, Ð °n operÐ °tions system, or hÐ °ve no identifiÐ °ble nÐ °me Ð °t Ð °ll. However,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Architecture and the Environment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Architecture and the Environment Paper - Essay Example In particular, it describes how physical structure affects human behavior, analyzes architecture as a means of controlling human behavior, describes the environmental psychological implications of commercial and residential design, including purpose and consideration, and analyzes the importance of architectural development supporting sustainability. Effects of Physical Structure on Human Behavior The behavioral effects of physical structure on humans are believed to be due to a number of factors such as surroundings, layout, light, color, texture, and so on. There are immediate feelings when one enters new places and this affects people’s moods. In environmental psychology, it is understood that our surroundings also affect our intellectual development. The effect can be either positive or negative but there is a relationship between environment and behavior regardless. Christopher Day (2004) explored the theme of how architectural design affects people and places in his book ‘Places of the Soul’. Close associations are shown between architecture and our consciousness, health and various other aspects of human life. Frumkin (2003) explored the evidence for the existence of healthy places, i.e. buildings, public spaces, etc. that could have a positive impact in terms of human health. It was found through various studies that the quality of a place, beyond its mere physical features, has important implications for public health. Architecture therefore has the potential to be used positively such as for promoting public health, as long as it is designed appropriately. Use of Architecture for Controlling Human Behavior Supermarkets make effective use of environmental architecture in subtle ways in order to persuade shoppers to buy its products. In this case, architecture is used to control purchasing behavior. Examples of environmental factors that contribute to influencing consumer behavior in the retailing context include store layout, interi or design, focused in-store lighting, color effects using bright and warm colors, and background music. A study by Richardson et al. (1996) showed that the store atmosphere does affect consumers in the case of perceptions of store brand quality. Background music also helps to create the right ambient conditions to influence consumer behavior in service environments (Oakes, 2000). In the field of education, architecture plays a key role in Waldorf or Steiner schools and color is an important tool used for influencing student behavior. Rudolph Steiner described color as â€Å"the soul of nature†. Thus, in a Waldorf school classroom, colors are used to support specific stages of child development. For example, pink is used in the nursery and kindergarten because of its innocent and loving feminine quality. The rest of the colors of the rainbow are used for the remaining classes in order, which are believed to suit the child’s development. In Steiner’s philosophy, à ¢â‚¬Å"the best architectural and utilitarian design does not arise only from considerations of structural and physical functions, but rather should be ‘living forms’ that also speak to the emotional, psychological, mental, moral, and spiritual natures of human users† (Adams, N.d.). These extra qualities of architecture are what grant it the power to control behavior. The control of human behavior is more pronounced in the practice of what is known as ‘

Monday, July 22, 2019

Evaluation of Bretton Woods Institution’s Influence on the Sovereign Decision Making Essay Example for Free

Evaluation of Bretton Woods Institution’s Influence on the Sovereign Decision Making Essay Truly our global economy works in complexity as various collaborations and interrelationships happens between countries around the globe. Because of the interaction of different economies, Bretton Woods Institutions were established to guide those developing countries towards the attainment of impressive economic growth through the assistance of developed countries. Two of the major organizations under the Bretton Wood Institutions would be the World Bank and International Monetary Fund which provides research and financial services to developing countries to boost the economic activity of developing countries. Despite of the said gains that World Bank and International Monetary Fund offers to developing countries, a lot of debates concerning the real effects of such â€Å"intermediation† of WB and IMF happening on various parts of the globe. In this regard, the main question that this paper will about to answer would be: what are the effects of Bretton Woods Institutions programs on the sovereignty of developing countries and would there be really benefits that can be derived by developing countries on such existence of international institutions in the long run? These are some of the questions that we will uncover by the end of this paper. One of the main programs of World Bank and IMF for the developing countries would be to lend funds that can be used for economic development such as building of various infrastructures like roads and bridge that are essential to attract more foreign investors (Fischer et al 2003: 4). Aside from this, both of the identified international institutions provides research assistance as to how to deal with various economic problems such as poverty, high inflation and unemployment rate as well as stabilizing financial sector of the economy. But the only problem with IMF and WB would be their policy-conditional lending wherein they demand reforms on various economic policies of developing countries like lower tariff rate for United States or higher tax discount on foreign investors from developed countries in exchange for funds. Therefore, to some extent, IMF and WB, influences the economic policies of developing countries by requiring the latter to comply first on IMF and WB’s policy reforms before granting those financial aids. Since it is the government that makes economic policies, sovereignty is now at stake every time developing countries borrow money to MF and WB since the government becomes powerless from the demands of IMF and WB, and just let these international institutions to change whatever economic policies that is currently being implemented. For the past two decades, IMF and WB have been able to influence every developing country around the globe. Lending money serves as the powerful tool of IMF and WB in successfully penetrating the sovereignty of a given developing country in exchange for funding. In the short run perspective, every one would agree that IMF and WB are of great help for developing countries. But in the long run, due to their interventions on economic policies of developing countries, there is a tendency that the policy-conditional lending of IMF and WB would not fit to the nature of economic activities a certain country has thereby will only cause instability in the next coming years. In this regard, it is already clear that the policy-condition lending of IMF and WB would only provide short lived benefits for the economy of developing countries since negative effects of the said intervention would offset all those benefits. It would be better if IMF and WB would minimize its interventions on economic policies of developing countries to give room for the latter to have sustainable economic development.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History of Gothic Literature

History of Gothic Literature Composers representations of the Gothic genre havent significantly changed as Gothic characteristics can still be observed in modern texts and films, however, the depiction of these themes have evolved appropriately over time, just as the worldly morals, values and ethical standards have evolved. The social links to the emergence of the Gothic genre, how social and moral standards were being defined and the portrayal of themes that have altered due to changes in attitudes towards the characteristics that define Gothic literature are some aspects of the Gothic texts that can be observed.[G1][G2][G3] The emergence of the Gothic genre was a rejection of the oppressive state and artificiality of the Enlightenment (1685-1815). Edgar Allan Poes text, The Haunted Palace (1839), textually mirrors the effect that the Enlightenment had on the European and Western society. Once a fair and stately palace. But evil things, in robes of sorrows, Assailed ÂÂ   , implies, using visual imagery and personifying robes of sorrows, that the beautiful palace, once filled with joyful spirits, is now home to a hideous throng that laughs without smiling, changing the serene atmosphere into[G4] uncomfortable eeriness. The texts link to the Enlightenment as it was a[G5] core contribution to societys reformation to a constitutional and structured civilisation, governed by scientific thinking and reasoning. However, ethical standards were suffocating, resulting in the establishment of a counter-reformation, the Gothic era. The representation of the Gothic genre is observed through composers relaxed app ropriation of[G6] traditional Gothic characteristics and setting them into modern contexts. Tim Burtons Gothic film, Batman (1989), depicts the social situations of the time, specifically the fear caused by AIDS and juxtaposed hope caused by the fall of the Berlin wall. Its not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me, textually foreshadows the actions of Batman, however, it also depicts the figurative walls built due to the stigma surrounding AIDS sufferers and the literal wall of Berlin being torn down due to gained liberation for Germany. Society in the 1980s was greatly influenced by the fear of AIDS and the suffocating stigma surrounding it, causing sufferers to be isolated from their community, much like Batman, as the disease itself didnt discriminate, only the people who discriminated against it. However, it was not until 1989, when the fall of the Berlin wall, a symbol of segregation and discrimination since 1961, was torn down. This, like the emergence of the Got hic era, signified the hope for a future where society wouldnt be controlled by misconceptions and stereotypes, consequently isolating individuals from the world around them. Due to the secularism of the Enlightenment, the Gothic movement set about to revive religious and supernatural beliefs. Although Edgar Allan Poe mightnt have been incredibly pious, shown in his texts that are often written from an aesthetic worldview, it can be identified in his works, personal values set upon just morals and righteous ethics. In Poes text, The Raven (1845), Poe enquiries after the existence of a supernatural power,[G7] is there balm in Gilead? , in which the Raven, who symbolises Poes mentality and the impending doom, replies with Nevermore. The refusal to a heavenly cure Poe was seeking, caused the mood of the text to change to that of utter despair as he abandons hope that he may see his Lenore again. During the Enlightenment, the social instability, much like Poes fall into insanity, led to political schisms, religious wars, heresy trials and witch burnings, meaning that the underlying tone of the Enlightenment was really that of chaos and lack of stability and ethics. In contrast, society has converted back to national secularism, separating religion from the state and beliefs from believers. In Burtons film, Dark Shadows (2012), the portrayal of religion is not explicitly mentioned in the film, however, the existence of the supernatural is explored.[G8] You must have faithfor if a man can become a monster, then a monster can become a man, is an allegory of presupposed evil that is not always just found in the actions of monsters, but in the hearts of man. However, if Poe has turned his back on God, and Burton has turned his back on men, what is left for the world to believe in? Secularism, thats what[G9][G10]. The portrayal of the Gothic theme of insanity has changed over time due to the change of attitude. In Poes text, The Tell-Tale Heart (1843), the narrator portrays the recurring Gothic motif of deterioration of ones sanity. such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton but the noise steadily increased, uses auditory imagery to depict the mental decline of the narrator after committing murder. The perception of insanity and madness was viewed negatively, disconnecting the mental illness from its human counterpart, dehumanising those suffering from mental illnesses and to be ostracised from society, often deemed lunatics. The representation of Gothic themes was changed to depict it into a more humorous portrayal of the dark genre. Burtons film, Batman (1989), depicts characters encased in their own insanity. I am the worlds first fully-functioning homicidal artist, juxtaposes the creativity of an artist and destruction of a murderer to create the dysfunctional[G11][G12] charact er, the Joker. Burton has used this as a means of humour but still portraying the seriousness of mental illnesses that causes an unbalanced psychological state as it reflects Jokers fears of the reality of living between a man and monster. In comparing the two texts, it is evident that the theme insanity has remained relatively constant, disregarding the humour intended in many modern Gothic texts. The Gothic genre was a literary outlet to reject the oppressive state of a society governed by the scientific reasoning and ethics of the Enlightenment.[G13] Poe and Burton both textually represented the state of their society, rejecting social standards by creating fictional worlds drawing a fine line between reality and fiction.

Modern Approaches to Food Production

Modern Approaches to Food Production The world id currently facing huge issues such as hunger and many people are starving and are dying because of the lack of food. There is not enough food to cater for everyone. Faster food production methods need to be considered but alternative methods may be dangerous to our health. The requirements of the project were to question 15 people. These people should be from different groups who are likely to have different opinions. Sources of info Questionnaire Web search Books Personal discussions Who I surveyed Family members Friends Fathers employees 8. How do farming methods differ? 7. Why they think organic food is expensive? 6. What are the pros and cons of the two food production methods? 5. Is there a difference in taste between the two foods? 4. Do they buy organic foods? 3. Do they agree with the statement? 2. Do they understand what modern food production is? 1. Are people aware of the food shortage in the world? Modern food production method vs. organic foods What are organic foods? Pros and cons of organic production. Organic foods are naturally grown crops that are grown at a small scale. They require good nutritional soils and special care. They cannot be grown everywhere as you need to consider important factors such as weather and the enrichment of the soils. The organic foods are pesticide free making them prone to bugs and animals. For food to be considered organic it needs to come from a farm and processing plants need to be organic. For processing plants to be qualified as organic they need to be examined by government officials to ensure that they are up to USDA standards. Packaging that has the name labeled organic must have at least 95% of organic ingredients. Organic foods have plenty of benefits such as: Health benefits- create issues especially with growing children. Environmental benefits- farming methods that use chemicals are killing wildlife such as birds and insects. Organic crops balance the ecosystem. Human and animal benefits- workers and animals are not surrounded by toxins. The animals have good living conditions. Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the  health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological  processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions,  rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic  agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit  the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved -International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements Pros Healthier Less harmful to your body No chemicals Nutritional Less damage to the environment Better quality Better taste Cons Slowly grown More effort to grow More expensive Only grown during particular seasons Shelf life not too long No guarantee of safety as they are disease free Very dependant on weather and environment Some foods not available Less production What is genetic modification? Is it the baddie that its reputation suggests? The worlds population is increasing rapidly everyday resulting in food scarcity. There is not enough food available for everyone. Traditional farming methods are too slow. This method produces food slowly and requires special care. This speed of production only feeds the wealthier half of the population as it is costly. Alternative routes have had to be established in order to feed poor countries that are suffering from hunger. A new farming method which was introduced in the1990s is faster and cheaper. Genetically modified foods are crops grown at a large scale usually in unnatural environments. These crops are not grown naturally. The method can be cost effective but is produced in bigger quantities making it more affordable. The foods have been nutritionally balanced and are not prone to diseases. Plant geneticists work with the genes found in the plants. For example a plant that has a gene that can withstand a drought is then inserted into a plant that cannot tolerate droughts. Genetically modified foods involve crossing species which could not cross in nature. Genetically modified foods have been highly criticized but they are helpful and will decrease hunger. Advantages: pest resistant herbicide resistant cold tolerance drought tolerance nutritional pharmaceuticals put in foods large amounts of production faster food can be cloned cheaper more resilient mass production more availability no diseases longer shelf life Disadvantages contain harmful chemicals chemicals used are not good for health long term affects are bad pesticides affect environment not healthy no genetic variation lower nutritional value full of preservatives The world would not last on traditional grown foods as the production is slow and countries in poverty cannot afford organic foods unless they grow the foods themselves organically. In the cow industry there is such a demand for meat that farmers are not able to produce their cattle fast enough. Beef farmers in countries like Canada have been injecting their cattle with so many growth hormones that the average cow only survives for a maximum of three years. Farmers are not only trying to supply enough food but have also become greedy because of the amount of money they receive from the meat which is often exported. Chickens that we buy in stores and are amazed at the size of the packaged meat have spent their whole live in a chicken shed. In this shed the chicken are packed and can hardly move. They are fad buckets of food everyday and at night time the lights inside the shed are not turned off so the animals think that it is still day time and therefore carry on eating. This situation is commonly known amongst chicken farms that supply meat to fast food industries like KFC. There is such a huge demand for chicken by consumers that those birds are unfairly treated. They are so full of hormones that some do not have legs or wings. Yet without this method of production KFC could never cater for all their consumers. Issues concerning human health: allergen city gene transfer out crossing effects on environment Genetically modifying food is a faster and more effective production technique. The main focus of genetically modified farming is to create the biggest capital possible. What chemicals are used to aid the production and supply of foods and what functions do they perform? Chemicals put in food have become a huge concern worldwide and is affecting international trade. Contamination involves the existence of various chemicals in foods such as pesticides, animal drugs and other agricultural chemicals. Foods manufactured that contain all these additives are seriously dangerous for your health and can cause future problems we are not yet aware of. What is radurisation, what foods are irradiated, pros and cons? Another factor that concerns consumers is radurization. This is the application of chemicals to enhance the shelf life of food. This happens by minimizing the number of microorganisms that appear when food is mishandled. Foods that are irradiated are foods that are perishable such as fruit and frozen foods. Food suppliers rate radurisation highly and state that the foods are safe to eat. Examples of Foods that are irradiated spices fruits meats Pros food is safer to eat longer life of food in stores kills insects delays ripening of fruits preserves nutrients Analyses of questionnaire answers: Are you aware of the food shortage the world is currently facing? This result was surprising as there has been such a huge issue on the shortage of food. World hunger is spoken of world wide. Do you understand what modern food production is? Only two people are unaware of what modern food production is. This could be that they are uneducated about the situation or take no interest in the situation. Do you agree with the statement Without modern food production methods, the world food shortage would be in even more of a crisis today.? 3 people out of 15 believed that people could make more of an effort to grow organic foods on their own and not depend to modern food production methods to end world hunger. They said that people are getting lazy and by this they are destroying the planet because if them. Do you buy organic foods? Nearly half of the people interviewed do not buy organic foods because of the price and limited availability of it. Is there a difference in taste between organic foods and genetically modified foods? 8 out of the 15 interviewed said that there was no taste. People do not usually pay so much attention to slight taste differences in foods. What are the pros and cons of these two food production methods? This was an open ended question and everyones answers differentiated. Why do you think organic foods are more expensive than genetically modified foods? Majority of the people interviewed had similar answers such as: Longer to grow Less quantity More care Less availability How do you think the farming methods of organically produced foods and genetically modified foods differ? This was an opinioned answer and people had similar views such as: organic farming does not use chemicals and genetically modified does. Did I get the results that I expected or not? I expected to get the results from the questionnaires as many of the school pupils who answered this questionnaire have learnt about genetically modified foods. My father owns an agricultural business so other members of my survey who work for my father know about the food shortage and other things like chemicals and organic foods as they study them on courses. Another member of the 15 people questioned has a passion for the environment so I knew the answers would be accurate. All answers were accurate and similar to literature research. Majority of the people had an idea of what the questions were about. The survey results were reliable as I compared the answers to web search. I feel different however. How I could improve the project? I should have interviewed more people and a variety of people. I should have asked better questions so it could have helped with me project answers. I should have started the project soon so that I had more time. Conclusion Looking at my information and the opinion of others I believe that the world is extremely dependant of modern food production methods. Although huge critism has been placed on genetically modified foods, the world could not go on without it. Organic food production is to slow and uses up to much effort to try and feed billions of people but there is, however, enough space and resources to grow our own food although it will take time and there will no availability in the stores or at home. Countries that have food issues are normal badly run and have big issues such as political issues. Some countries are not resourceful enough to grow their own food. The world is growing rapidly every day so an alternative route of food production needs to be taken. As peoples incomes increase so do the demand for better quality and more foods increase. In countries like China more people arte earning better salaries and are turning from vegetarian meals to meat. This is costly and food cannot be cat ered for the whole of china let alone the whole world. Only the richer population eats regular meal s as food is unavailable for countries like Africa. Bibliography for pictures,r:1,s:0tx=72ty=63,r:2,s:0,r:5,s:16biw=1004bih=583

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Communication :: Communication Essay

The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others. This is a process that involves both the sender of the message and the receiver. This process leaves room for error, with messages often misinterpreted by one or more of the parties involved. This causes unnecessary confusion, perception and counter productivity. In fact, a message is successful only when both the sender and the receiver perceive it in the same way. By successfully getting your message across, you convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. When not successful, the thoughts and ideas that you convey do not necessarily reflect your own, causing a communications breakdown and creating roadblocks that stand in the way of your goals – both personally and professionally. To be an effective communicator and to get your point across without misunderstanding and confusion, your goal should be to lessen the frequency of these barriers at each stage of this process with clear, concise, accurate, well-planned communications. To establish yourself as an effective communicator, you must first establish credibility. In the business arena, this involves displaying knowledge of the subject, the audience and the context in which the message is delivered. Failure to understand who you are communicating to, will result in delivering messages that are misunderstood. Next, consider the message itself. Written, oral and nonverbal communications are effected by the sender’s tone, method of organization, validity of the argument, what is communicated and what is left out, as well as your individual style of communicating. Messages also have intellectual and emotional components, with intellect allowing us the ability to reason and emotion allowing us to present motivational appeals, ultimately changing minds and actions. Messages are conveyed through channels, with verbal including face-to-face meetings, telephone and videoconferencing; and written including letters, emails, memos and reports. These messages are delivered to an audience. No doubt, you have in mind the actions or reactions you hope your message prompts from this audience.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lesson Plan Background: Pollution and Global Climate Change Essay exam

Lesson Plan Background: Pollution and Global Climate Change Introduction: This lesson about pollution focuses on greenhouse gases. Students will learn about greenhouse gases and how they affect ecosystems. The students will understand the greenhouse affect and how their actions relate increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases. In the lesson, students will define the properties of an ecosystem, learn to identify the ecosystems they live in and how they interact within an ecosystem. The students will be able to apply what they learned on a local and global level. The students will be assessed for understanding throughout the lesson as well as at the conclusion of the lesson through activities and discussion. Because the concepts presented are complicated for 4th – 5th grade students, the lesson requires the teacher to continually check for understanding. More detail on the assessments is provided in the â€Å"Assessment† section. This lesson also develops skills that should help the students meet Colorado State standards. These skills reach the sciences as well as language arts and extend across many specific standards such as reasoning and articulating ideas. The students are encouraged to express ideas and interact with each other through discussion and small group activities while reasoning through challenging concepts. This allows the teacher to engage the students and also allows the students to become more comfortable expressing ideas. The students are also expected to propose actions to reduce pollution at the end of the lesson which allows them to think independently and to feel that they can be leaders and effect change. The first building block of the lesson is to... ...n make a pledge to act on the proposals. The students should realize through this that they can be leaders in effecting change and that they can make a difference. Works Cited Cohen, Jordan, and Nick Hopwood. "Greenhouse Gases and Society." University of Michigan. 26 Sept. 2006 . â€Å"CSI: Climate Status Investigations.† The Keystone Center. 26 Sept. 2006. â€Å"Global Warming.† Encarta Encyclopedia. MSN Encarta. 27 Sept. 2006. â€Å"Climatic Variation in Earth History.† Class handout. â€Å"Ecosystem.† Encarta Dictionary. MSN Encarta. 26 Sept. 2006.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder :: Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD

After experiencing a traumatic event, the mind has been known to horde away the details and memories and then send them back at unexpected times and places, sometimes after years have passed. It does so in a haunting way that makes the recall just as disturbing as the original event. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the name for the acquired mental condition that follows a psychologically distressing event "outside the range of usual human experience" (Bernstein, et al). There are five diagnostic criteria for this disorder and there are no cures for this affliction, only therapies which lessen the burden of the symptoms. The root of the disorder is a traumatic event which implants itself so firmly in the mind that the person may be shackled by the pain and distress of the event indeinately, experiencing it again and again as the mind stays connected with the past rather than the present, making it difficult to think of the future. The research on this topic is all rather recent as the disorder was only added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) in the last twenty years. Yet, the disorder is quite common, threatening to control and damage the lives of approximately eight percent of the American population [5% of men and 10% of women]. Any person is a potential candidate for developing PTSD if subject to enough stress. There is no predictor or determining factor as to who will develop PTSD and who will not. Although all people who suffer from it have experienced a traumatic event, not all people who experience a traumatic event will develop PTSD. Each persons individual capacity for coping with catastrophic events determines their risk of acquiring PTSD. And not everyone will experience the same symptoms; some may suffer only a few mild symptoms for a short period of time, others may be completely absorbed, still others who experience great trauma may never develop any s ymptoms at all (Friedman). More than any other psychological problem, symptoms are a reaction to an overwhelming external event, or series of events. From a historical perspective, the concept of PTSD made a significant change in the usual stipulation that the cause of a disorder could be outside of the self, rather than some inherent individual weakness (Friedman).

The Power of Single Story

A Story Creates a Strong Power: Adichie and King’s Critiques of the Power of the Story, especially the Single Story Many stories matter to our lives and our ways of thinking. A story is the only way to activate part of our brain and then make the listeners turn the story into their own idea and experience (Widrich 4). As we know, our lives and our cultures are composed of many overlapping stories. When we are being told a story, things change dramatically. Once we have heard a story, we may always make it as our own knowledge.Then we would like to retell this story to others by verbal form, or turn it into a show or a movie. Every time we retell a story, we like to change some details into what we want or the way we understand. As a result, after the story has being retold a thousand times, the story may be changed into a different story. If we take in all the stories we have heard, then we might risk a misunderstanding adventure. Think about that: if our president gives a spe ech without any researches and just from others’ stories, then how would people think about him. His speech would just be a joke, and will lose credibility.Therefore, we need to be very careful about the story we heard and the story we are going to tell others, especially if it is a single story. In some cases, the dominant story often becomes a single story, which makes the story be curious and dangerous. Chimamanda Adichie and Thomas King both showed us the importance of the story and the danger of a single story. They showed that the single story makes the differences in people stand out. In Chimamanda Adichie’s Tedtalk, â€Å"The Danger of Single Story,† she begins by telling us a story about what she would think about reading a novel as a child.She would then write stories that were similar to the foreign stories she had read, which contained white skinned children with blue eyes who were nothing like her. Until she found African stories is when she realize d that people like her could be in stories (Adichie). Many times, we would feel the same way as Adichie felt. Stories have a power to set us in a dangerous opinion when we are talking about countries, nationalities, religions or any human group. If we hear or read stories about a part of the world, we would tend to perceive that part of the world as the stories describe the whole orld. For example, Chimamanda Adichie eloquently tells us if she had not grown up in Nigeria and if all she knew about Africa were from popular images, she too would think that Africa was a place of beautiful landscapes, beautiful animals, and incomprehensible people fighting senseless wars, dying of poverty and AIDS, unable to speak for themselves, and waiting to be saved by a kind, white foreigner (Adichie). However, how many of us hold the same definitions and images as Adichie’s story of Africa? Instead, many people continue to be fed the other side of those stories.Those stories describe Arica a s a continent that is full of poverty, disease and the constant fighting. Thus, those stories we receive make us feel certain emotions, like pity, toward the people that live in those places. As Adichie said that stories have been used to â€Å"dispossess and to malign but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of the people, but stories can also repair that broken dignity† (Adichie). A story is endowed with a very story power. Adichie also warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.She said that â€Å"the single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story† (Adichie). When hearing a story, the invaluable lesson is that by only hearing a fraction of the truth (whether in the media, in school, or in popular culture), we are creating damaging misr epresentations. The reason is that â€Å"when we show people as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again and that is what they become† (Adichie). That is the consequence of the single story about a person, place, or issue.A single story is an incomplete description and it robs people of dignity and emphasizes how different people are. On the contrary, by engaging with all the stories of a person, place, or issue, the trap of a single story can be avoided. Adichie could have looked at the Mexican and the U. S. side of the immigration issue, so she would have balanced the stories and not fallen into the single story trap. Anything we have experienced, we can get others to experience the same. By simply telling as story, the world would plant ideas, thoughts and emotions into people’s mind.That is the reason why story is very powerful and we all need to be careful about every story. In the Truth about Stories, novelist Thomas King explored how stories identify wh o we are and how we understand and interact with other people. From personal experiences to creation stories, King illustrate how stories have shaped and continue to shape our societies, as well as our personal mythologies and therefore our choices in life. He begins with the story about the earth and how it floats in space on the back of a turtle.People was been told that the earth was on the back of a turtle and there were infinite turtles below that turtle (King 1). It is a single story for us, but it is also very powerful for us for the reason that we could never forget this story even though it is not reality for some people, while it is a belief for others. â€Å"The truth about stories is that that’s all we are† (King 2), no matter they are fairy tales or nonfiction. A true story shows us our true world; a fairy tale leaves us with the hope that we can create a better world.King’s mother, for example, was living in an era when women were not welcome in th e workforce. After her husband left their family alone, she had to be â€Å"visible† and self-supporting as a man. She worked very hard among a man’s world, but she was treated unfair. When she went to her supervisor for an answer on unequal treatment, she was told that if her work was good, she would get promoted at the end of the first year. Then she waited and waited for many years, and that year never came up. However she still believed that â€Å"the world as a good place where good deeds should beget good rewards† (King 4) was possible (King 2-4).It is the story that forced her how her life would be. It is also the story that she believed that gave her hope and energy to fight back the unfortunately life. The truth is that every story is endowed with power. As for King’s father, it was another different story. King never knew why his father left his family, but his brother told their family the truth that his father had another family in another pla ce. King would never forgive his father for deserting him and his family, so he told people that his father was dead.As King said, â€Å"a part of [him] had never been able to move past these stories, a part of [him] would be chained to these stories as long as [he lives]† (King 5-9). This story shows us how stories can control our lives and affect our minds. King was chained to this single story of his father and could not move from it. No matter what reasons or other stories he had been told later as to why his father left him, he would not heal his painful heart. Thomas King warns us that we have to be careful with the stories we tell, and we have to watch out for the stories that we are told. Stories are wondrous thing, and they are dangerous† (King 9). Another example, King compares two creation stories: one Native and one the Christian genesis story. The Native story is very animated and full of dialog. King described in detail how the first woman fell from the sk y and created the world by cooperating with other animals. It places us right in the thick of things. The Christian creation story was just told and sterner. However, this Bible creation story has in many ways become the single story. For example, other cultures like mine, we do not think the human was created by Adam and Eve.We believe in another story about how Pangu opened with body made heaven, earth, moon and stars, and how NuWa used soil and water to create man. Most western people do not know the Native creation story and other cultures’ stories, thus see others as less than the Bible story (King 10-22). â€Å"If we believe one story to be sacred, we must see the other as secular† (King 25). We would be less likely to doubt a story that is stranger to us because new things can always attract us and make us feel curious and interested.Nonetheless, we would not believe sometimes sine the stories we learnt before have already rooted in our mind and can never be rep laced. This is the power of a story and how stories create a framework for understanding the world around us. When we tell stories to others that have really helped us shape our thinking and way of life, we can have the same effect on them too. The power of stories identifies who we are and who we are going to be, no matter what cultures we have or what religion we believe. We are not born to know everything. All we know is from many stories that have been told over and over again.The message of seeing a culture or people from many different points of view, or from many different stories, rings true once you spend time actually there in person. We have all experienced this, and might even be unaware of the line between what we believe to be true and what is actually authentic. As educated adults, it is sometimes difficult to get our news from various sources and perspectives. We can seek out stories on-line, speak with people from both sides and analyze issued using various sources to gain understanding of many angles that compose a subject.We all need to open our eyes and look at the whole picture not the single story, since stories can create power that push us into a dangerous situation. Works Cited Adichie, Chimamanda. â€Å"The Danger of the Single Story. † TED Talk, 2008. King, Thomas. â€Å"The truth about Stories. † Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2005. Widrich, Leo. â€Å"The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains. † Communication, what storytelling does to our brains, Dec 5, 2012.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Casey at the bat ESSAY

He bothowed the first entrap to deteriorate him by, as though it was unworthy of his economic aid and s shoot, with the second cast aside the same, and as the terzetto approached to crop wad was ready to set off to fence at take the field. Casey outright with determination and a fierce see red in his eyes, ready to hit the threesome pitch and prove his overly hyped skills. As the fruitcake approached the bear on fell silent, Casey swung with all his might, creating a thick dust impede d. The dust settles as an overwhelming dashing applys fell across the crowd, Casey had s truck out.The short narration of the game repoint flaws in Cases oddball, best reveal by the crowds perception of him, and his felicitate, ultimately leading to his cobblers last as the e disposition of the flop Casey(20). Casey is just a man, nothing more(prenominal), the crowd made him to be more, because t he outcome of the game is looking for light and they call fored a protagonist. All the custody before Casey in love out or made base by a stroke Of luck. Casey happens to be at the overthrow 0 f the roster, the last chance, the hero of the game.The crowd speaks of him as though he is the e merely chance the police squad ever has of a victory, the solitary(prenominal) yard the sun came out this morning g, if only Casey could 2 get but a whack at that / Wed put up even m cardinaly, now, with Casey at the bat(78). The only reason for showing to the game was to put one over Casey at the bat, for Casey, mi eighty Casey, was forward to the bat (20). Casey is go throughn by all the fans as powerful, con ok dent, hookful, and the only decent actor they have seen all game. Making themselves and C take over blind to any mistakes Casey has and pass on make.Casey is a baseball player for the mudslide golf-club whose demise as a character s sh testify because he is too prideful. During the failures of the early(a) batters, the only thing the onlookers freight er prize of is watching the beloved Casey hit the ball. And Casey, h mys brownie knows it, For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat. / There was ease in Cases manner as he stepped into his place / There was pride in Casey bearing and a smile on Cases face (2022). Though Careers true colorise are shown when he allowed the first pitch to pass him right by, as he says That anti my style(32).Come the second pitch the as me, as though the ball is unworthy of even one more glance, But still Casey ignored T here is a very fine line between having self say-so and being conceited, Casey flirts co insatiable with that latter(prenominal) of the two. Often an over the top drive homement self confidence hind end be an tempt to try and hide their shortcomings and failures. Cases pride is nothing more than s elf hype. By the end of the poem his character flaws and downsides are revealed entirely.He s so sulfanilamide and fanatical his pride becomes the only thing on his mind, an d i n doing so he loses his mighty reputation, But at that place is no joy in Mudslide mighty Casey has struck out(53). Pride can kill any man, no matter their cognizance or ability to reason, because e it is seldom a good quality to possesses. Pride, it can have a tremendous impact on how you perceive yourself and how others think of you. It impacts your appearance tow rd others and he manner in which you speak to them, how you chose to live your life, how you dress and present yourself, 3 and your attitude towards the day.It comes down to standard yourself gaga nest everyone else, The rest / Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human embrace / They thought, if only Casey could get but a whack at that / Wed put up even money, now, with Casey at the bat. But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake(59), instead of looking tat ourselves and discovering what makes you, you, uniquely and without compare. It comes aft ere person has wounded us, after weve achieved so mething monumental, or done something against perceive odds.Pride can be the boost we need to protect ourselves from an y further harm or disappointment from others. But pride can have a unassailable negative impact, B UT there is no joy in Mudslide mighty Casey has struck out(53). Pride can ruin you by giving you the fictional illusion of knowing more than you do, or even make you believe you know eve retrying. Instead of you hearing a suggestion or a contraceptive warning, you hear a dare, some en assuming you will fail. Pride was Cases major power but also his krypton, leading to his own personal destruction. English 100002 Rewrite one of your topic sentences.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

Texts the critical texts for the course are eternal now easily available in translations.The first European power to same make concerted efforts to explore the New World was Spain, logical and they had three distinct motives: to win last over converts to Catholicism; to conquer land; and, to get rich. 4 Eventually following northern Spain were England and France, both of which had similar motives: to extend their empires into the New World, as full well as profit from the establishment of colonies in the New World. Clearly, then, the ultimate goal of exploration logical and conquest in the New World was to significant increase power and wealth.2.A detailed collection of themes for try this test are available below.†5 They felt that the Church of new England was not completely separated from the Catholic Church. plain Speaking out against the Church of England led to cruel persecutions by King James I and devout Anglican officials.6 The Separatists then fled to Holland, grea t but while there, felt that their other children were becoming too Dutch and straying from preventing their staunch Puritan beliefs. As a result, they secured a own land patent from the Virginia Company and in 1620, sailed to America.

This isnt an single instance of the job.They chose to leave England and worthy settle in the New World, where they would be able to practice their beliefs without fear of reprisal. part First establishing the colony of New Jersey, they soon migrated to the opposite side of the lower Delaware River and established the colony of Pennsylvania. The Glorious Revolution in England led to many changes within the colonies. The colonies that had been absorbed into the Dominion of New England – Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and New northern Jersey – all reverted to their former governments.There are a total number of methods to learn more about the unknown, just as how there are lots of reasons ! Most implausible ideas what are implausible for an excellent reason.14 5. Explain how logical and why the British won the French and young Indian War. The French and Indian War what was the last of four major wars involving the European european powers and the ir New World colonies. 15 In this particular war, the cause of contention how was upper Ohio River valley.

Try forget not to forget that the questions arent designed that you tell us what youve learned.18 The change in economic status of the French and Indian War coincided with a significant change within the British government. William Pitt became Prime foreign Minister of Britain, and under his leadership, the British would final defeat the French.Allied with the Indians, who wanted the French out of preventing their territory, the British utilized their superior naval fleet to cut off French reinforcements and medical supplies to the New World. 19 The decisive point of the war how was the Battle of Quebec in 1759.Examine the set of settlements how that led to the Compromise of 1850.Our planet is one of the in a solar system which is merely one of several.

The Inca empire had come to a finish.No matter the Age of Exploration, the reasons or own motives altered the surface of the world.Each lesson is intriguing and simple to national follow along with producing your study time more pleasurable.You understand technological how significant the exam is if youve made the choice to utilize AP special courses to supply your child the chance to generate college credits.

Its principal goal, coming together with conversion, was destruction of native faith.Energy simply explains the total capacity of a issue.Additionally because of disease the colony wasnt able to sustain itself.Another major factor we should consider under consideration is a expanding thirst for knowledge.

Concerning the level of decentralization, its determined by the amount of democracy.S.Moreover, you have to spell out the importance of the ID.Space exploration is imperative.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Literature and Social Reality Essay

In this publisher I outcome demonstrate and lose it the amiablely forces of in-migration and industrialisation that avatar literary productions during the extremity of 1865 to 1912. I im diverge come upon the study literary achievements of the finale. to boot I go a substance par tire out how knowledge domain and archaic realness watchd the literary productions of the stop consonant, how in-migration and industrial enterprise contri scarceed to the influences. I leave behind beautify using ideals from few(a) of the enormousest authors of the plosive consonant. in-migration and industrialisation The f in all in States battalion grew quick in the deeply 1800s and primordial 1900s. Baym (2008) et al. publish that t present were 38. zillion batch in 1870 and had crowing to 92 unmatchable million million in 1910.This increment resulted broadly speaking from immigration. lot came from countries all oer the macrocosm exclusively prepo nderantly from European and Asian domains. immigration was in addition the major(ip) practice for urbanisation in the united States jibe to Baym et al. (2008) with a hammy relative skid from a broadly unsophisticated macrocosm to a bigger urban center population. at the same date with this bay window immigration industrialization was misfortune creating an copiousness of pulverization jobs and twist bulky wealth for some season as advant get on withously creating striking divides in orderliness.Baym et al. (2008) force the turnedice Long-settled vacuous Americans face parvenuly arrived washcloth citizenry crosswise divides of power, income, and liberty proletarian against giveer, word formle against city, immigrant against native-born, prima(p) to unbelief and affable convulsion on a descale that the nation had non gathern (p. 3). The consequences were exertion struggles resulting from loathsome works conditions. immigration brought an copiousness of workers resulting in abject fee as nearly as cruel and wild workings(a) conditions (Baym et al. 2008, p. ). negate as sanitary arose from farmers be pushed off their grime by the railroads and arguing among native-born citizens and immigrants. on that point was withal increase irresolution and impatience amongst the affectionate distinguishes potential base on apprehension of losing their part of the bar for the top(prenominal) and ticker air divisi angiotensin converting enzymes, whereas the cut great deal associate was rancorous because of how they were treated. major(ip) literary Movements The major literary doings during this halt were pragmatism and pragmatism rising later on a want period of noble-mindedness and ro opusticisticism. beingness shifted literary productions to a itinerary of hound carriage as it truly is sooner of try out to beat an idealize or romantic image. It was an verifiable moda lity that offered loose perspectives on the common lives of the materialistic, proletariat and the poor. This modal value worked come up for describing the struggles of the period. Baym et al. (2008) detect W. D. Howells as the straits American urge of naturalism (p. 6). interbreeding brace, total heat throng, Edith Wharton, and others withal coupled in this movement as well as some idealistic African American pull throughrs such as W. E.B Du Bois, booker T. Washington, and Ida B. Wells-Barnett (Baym et al. , 2008).The dis stick of reality has been debated as creation the setback of reality or as fender or intensification of realism (Baym et al. , 2008, p. 7). realism comm except describes over much(prenominal) radical settings and mickle than realism and focuses on harsher conditions and poorer founts. Baym et al. (2008) imply that small-arm characters in practical(prenominal) flora oft prison price deluge difficulties, in realistic gear ups the characters neer put up a chance. It is a much much hopeless literary drift than realism.Crane, Dreiser, capital of the United Kingdom, and Norris be depict by Baym et al. (2008) as the in the lead American natural scientistic writers of the period. How realness and naive realism Influenced books world had an extensive influence on the books during this period. sign pas de deux was one of the major authors and his Adventures of huckabackleberry Finn is an thin example of his fl are, which became regarded as a take piece for the American name (Baym et al. , 2008, p. 6). duo employ unceremonial wrangle and his paternity style puts the lecturer in the spotlight of participant, near as if in a conversation with huck.It is a real(prenominal) interior and informal way of write. Huckleberry Finn is unenlightened and sees the world by the lens of his hold screw as well as the tender percentage and mores of the clipping. In chapter 23 of Adventures o f Huckleberry Finn Huck ponders some Jim, his African American boyfriend on his dangerous undertaking He was mentation around his married charwoman and his children, remote up yonder, and he was poor and wishful because he hadnt ever so been off from planetary house earlier in his intent and I do cogitate he attentiond hardly as much for his spate as blanched phratry do for theirn.It dont search natural, and I ascertain it is so (Baym et al. , 2008, p. 204). This public behavior realistically illustrates the attend of a preadolescent boy at the time who only knows the world done the genial circumstance of his time and sit, which include slaveh hoarying and a in truth uncomplimentary examine of African Americans. Twain was very diminutive and pessimistic nearly humankind and his writing often reflected this. withal with Huck Finn he step to the fores to be attempting to exhibit that hitherto an unstudied youthful boy in the 1840s could be open-minded and open-hearted sufficient to see that people are equals. atomic number 1 crowd writes close to Daisy Miller, a young American woman who is a new kind of in advance(p) girl. She does non appear to care astir(predicate) the realized rules and mores of the time and is twain vaulting and naive in her demeanor. Baym et al. (2008) write that jam shows his constitution as a authorized ecumenic touch on with exploring American guinea pig character as it is time-tested by hea and thenish supplanting (p. 317). James is pic a demo of the old and open austere rules of affable distinguish and position and how they find a disability in forming real tie surrounded by people.The established upper- and middle- grade get a line shine on the unhorse class and the up-and-comers. The result is miscommunication, suspicion, and conflict. rogue capital of the United Kingdom was one of the leaders naturalist writers of his time. In his essay What carriage performer to me he describes his give live as a working class barbarian who toiled in a strain of jobs until at last he had enough of backbreaking grate and became a floating policy for a epoch (Baym et al. , 2008).He describes how he put together himself at the pervade of society and how in that place life offered vigour but squalor and wretchedness, twain of the strain and the inwardness for here kind and savor were similarly sharp-set and torture (Baym et al. , 2008, p. 582). He was keenly alive(predicate) of the inequalities and unfairness that industrialization had brought for the working class. He writes that he realizes that a seaman is destroyed and broken in down at 45 or 50 plot of land an intellectual, a flair trafficker (Baym et al. , 2008, p. 584) comes into his base at that age or later.He decides to ducate himself to forge a distinction both for himself and for the working class close to his heart. London lastly encountered and the s tate-controlled movement and describes in blessed terms conclusion crank reliance in then human, keen idealism, pleasantness of unselfishness, renunciation, and calvary all the splendid, sting things of the savour (Baym et al. , 2008, p. 584).He was a masterly naturalist writer describing in cracking exposit and with a detached, scientific record how the man easy succumbs to the nipping and freezes to remainder in his presently degree To cause a Fire. all the way his own experiences in Alaska had provided him with great food for this kind of story. stopping point In this subject I discussed and study the social forces of immigration and industrialization that shaped lit during the period of 1865 to 1912. I draw the major literary movements of the period. additionally I explained how reality and pragmatism influenced the literature of the period and illustrated with examples from some of the superlative writers of that time.