Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa Essay Example for Free

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa Essay Many people wish to have a perfect body. Desires of having a perfect body could lead to a disorder called, anorexia nervosa. This disease is an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and a fear of becoming overweight. Anorexia nervosa is mainly related to an individual’s emotionality. Some of the causes of this disease are, personal feelings, stressful events, and cultural influences. The first cause of anorexia nervosa that is the most important cause is a worthless personal feeling. A person who has a low self-esteem usually feels valueless. Despite achievements in his or her life, they do not like the way he or she looks. These feelings cause the individual to feel rejected and have an alleged pressure from the society. Teens become very depressed when they are over weight, because people tease them and they feel that they cannot fit in with the crowd. Even if a teenager is not overweight, one may feel that they must maintain their body size. As a consequence, an anorexic person is always looking for the perfection, causing them to have a feeling of worthlessness. The next cause of this disorder is the existence of stressful events in life. Although anorexia is linked to a physical condition, the real cause is related to an individual’s emotionality. Someone may usually feel stressed and worried when they are working and are under pressure. The feeling of stress can cause one to not feel like eating. Commonly people suffer nervousness as a consequence of experience and life changes. These situations begin to affect the schedule of daily living. People can become very busy and feel that if they skip a meal it will be okay. Sometimes if more than one meal is skipped, this can lead to someone not participating in vital activities to stay healthy. In the case of anorexia nervosa, a person is stressed and begins to stop eating in the right times or even stop eating altogether. Another cause of anorexia is the cultural influence of the country where we live today. In many societies, they consider that the ideal beauty is based on extreme thinness. In today’s society, this idea has caused thousands of women and men to turn to starvation, diets, or people use products that supposedly make them lose weight in a few days. Being extremely thin has become an important factor for people. To many people being thin represents beauty, success, happiness, and self-control. People are targeted with messages from the media that they must diet to meet this standard. This ideal body image is almost impossible for most people to reach, leaving them very dissatisfied with their body image. The causes of anorexia nervosa are situations that may look normal, but have deathly consequences. This is a serious, possibly terminal illness. People, who have this disease have, negative personal feelings, stressful events in their life, and cultural influences.

Monday, January 20, 2020

New Cuban Cuisine :: Cuban Food

Includes Recipes New Cuban Cuisine The Cuban style of cooking is simple in concept but complex in flavor. Much Cuban food owes its heritage and tradition from Africa and neighboring, Caribbean cultures. However, there are two distinctive styles of cooking: "the classic" whose techniques and ingredients have been in use for a long time across the island, and "the new," labeled nuevo Cubano, which adds a variety of herbs and spices from other cuisine and emphasizes presentation. For example, the province of Oriente, in eastern Cuba, is well known for its contribution of spicier and more robust dishes to the cuisine of the island due to the influx of Haitian and Jamaican immigrants to the island beginning in the 1790's. In the states, Cubans, too, have opted to choose hot peppers, like blazing scotchbonnets and serranos, to prepare recipes such as black bean salsa. Cubans who arrived in the United States in the late 50's and 60's had to make some adaptations to their cooking. Many markets did not carry the vegetables, fruits or cuts of meat that they were accustomed to using in their island kitchens. Lard and olive oil, which are generally used in Cuban cooking, had to be replaced by other cooking oils. Lard was too difficult to find and olive oil was too expensive; a substitute had to be found. Cooks started using vegetable oil, which was readily available and affordable. Nowadays, safflower and canola oils have become more preferable because they are healthier. Many items are now also available in low-fat versions. The consumption of salt has too been cut back thanks to low- sodium products. Many Cubans in exile, such as my neighbor, Roca Beiro, a professional caterer whom I had the opportunity to interview, informed me that many Cubans have cut down on the starches they consume and that they try to follow a healthier diet. Due to the lack of time in their day to day life, many buy products, such as black beans, because preparing them from scratch is very time consuming. In addition, Cubans have added more salads to their diet, use less sauces, and prepare fewer potajes (stews). They have also adapted more American foods into their daily life since their children are exposed to them at school and through their acquaintance with endless chains of fast food restaurants in their communities. For example, breakfast in Cuba usually consists of cafà © con leche and tostada (coffee with milk and Cuban toast).

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Case Study of Organisation Culture: Google Essay

Google, one of the world’s wealthiest and fastest growing companies, is often presented as a model of a ‘progressive’ organisation. What lessons can other businesses learn? The white paper on work in 2020, released by the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) last month, contained a summary of aspects of Google’s culture, and drew some conclusions about its implications for other organisations. Established in 1998, Google now employs more than 20,000 people, has been adding staff at the rate of around 6000 per year, and receives around 7000 unsolicited job applications per day. Core culture statements Google has three core culture statements: 1. People are the most important asset. 2. You can be serious without wearing a suit. 3. You can make money without doing evil. Built-in ‘innovation time’ Google provides ‘innovation time off’, that is, one work day out of every five is allocated to solving problems. All business ‘problems’ are circulated to all staff for ‘solution sessions’. Work environment Amenities and benefits at Google’s US Head Office include 19 restaurants, free dental care, a health centre, haircuts, massages, a crà ¨che, gymnasiums, a hotel, laundry, car wash and community bus. The restaurant tables are oval-shaped, on the assumption that social interactions stimulate knowledge and learning breakthroughs. The aim is for people to interact with each other while they are eating, and the underlying cultural assumption is that work and other life should be merged as much as possible. Google wants its employees to spend as much time as possible there. But it’s not for everyone The AHRI white paper points out that one of the potential drawbacks of this ‘work is life’ culture is that if things go wrong at work, they are likely to go wrong in other aspects of your life as well. It is therefore important to maintain connections with people in your life outside employment. Genuine work–life balance implies that everyone needs to be part of something else outside the workplace — not all the core family, friends and relationships should reside or be nurtured within the workplace.